Indigenous ownedOntario 🇨🇦
Quantum Quattro Point

Quantum Quattro Point

It’s a combination stone made of five copper-based crystals Chrysocolla, Malachite, Shattuckite, Dioptase, and Smoky Quartz matrix. It is this combination that creates a powerful vibrating and healing stone. It brings all chakras together and provides a good energy balance that keeps negative influences out. It will help you acknowledge and let go of your emotional traumas and release yourself from your emotional patterns. It will also align you with your inner truths and visions, while connecting you with the higher realms and the universal wisdom. Whenever you feel as though something is off and you’re just “out of whack”, this is the stone to work with to restore that balance. Quantum Quattro is a great stone for communicating, or to clear attachments, blockages, cords, and karmic contracts. 


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